Monday, February 4, 2013

Here fishy, fishy, fishy . . .


Quiet Day on the Canal

After our long day on Friday, we all just felt like relaxing on the weekend.  Nicolas and Bryce wanted to do some fishing,


so we all gathered over at Tim & Denise’s site on the canal.  Tim got the boys set up with poles and bait, while the rest of us just enjoyed the beautiful day.



Rick and Shirley watched the boys fish, while their grandson Nick, and Denise tried out the kayaks.















Tom and Ken did a pretty good job of relaxing, too!

Relaxing by the camper

Before long, Tim started shouting that Nicolas had caught a fish, and it was a big one!

Fishing Day

Day 33_Sunday Dinner!

It was a Black Drum, and supposed to be a good eatin’ fish!  He was excited about catching it, but not so much about touching it!

Nicolas' Fish


Bryce caught his share of fish, too, but none fit for eating.

Day 31_Catfish

One of many ladyfish

Tim fileted Nicolas’ fish for us, and I put it in the fridge for Sunday’s dinner (couldn’t take a chance on leaving it in the cooler overnight – raccoons had gotten into Tim’s catch from the day before!).

Here it is, all ready to go on the grill . . .

Ready for the grill

that’s quite a bit of fish – plenty for Tom and Nick!

All done and ready to eat --


Nicolas is ready to dig in . . .

Ready to dig in!

and Bryce is glad not to be eating fish!

No fish for Bryce!

Tom and Nicolas greatly enjoyed their fish dinner . . . so now they just need to catch some more!  Bryce is still working on it!


Evenings are the best time for fishing, so now it’s a daily after-dinner activity . . . at least until the bugs drive them inside!



  1. WOW, what a beautiful fish!! Bill is chomping at the bit to get his fishing's free for Florida Seniors:o)) However, you can't get it until you been a resident for 6 months;o(( So he has to wait until April when we will be headed north;o))

  2. Nice Job Nick! Bryce, I think your fish look big enough too???? At least I think so, I would have fileted them.

    1. One was a catfish, which apparantly don't taste too good, and the other was a ladyfish, which has more bones than meat . . . so they are still fishing . . .

  3. Wow, nice fish. That makes me want to pack up the tackle box and head that way!!!


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