Tuesday, June 4, 2013

From Colorado, to Utah, to Arizona, to New Mexico and back!

We needed to do some shopping for a new mattress, so yesterday we decided to drive a loop to the Four Corners Monument, Shiprock, and end up in Farmington when Tom had found several mattress stores.

We drove through Cortez and into the desert until we reached the Four Corners Monument.  This is the point where the states of Colorado, Utah, New Mexico and Arizona all come together.

Now, my brother had posted some pictures on FB from when our Grandma was there 40+ years ago, and it looks like it was much more accessible then.


Grandma_4 Corners










It looks like it was just a stop along the side of the road back then, but now it’s an “attraction” run by the Navaho Nation, and you have to pay $3 per person to enter . . . Tom wanted to skip it, but we drove all that way, so I made him pay and go in!

The Monument itself looks pretty much the same,

In four states at once



Standing in 4 states

with the addition of each of the state flags, and raised platforms for taking pictures. 

There’s a new marker, too . . .

The new marker

and the entire area is surrounded by Indian vendors selling their crafts.

Tom checking out the jewelry

It definitely qualifies as a “Tourist Trap” now!!

From there, we drove through Arizona,


and back into New Mexico where we passed the iconic “Shiprock”, which Bryce says doesn’t look anything like a ship!

Day 154_Shiprock

After a quick stop at McDonald’s for sundaes, we drove to Farmington to lay on as many mattresses as we could.  We didn’t buy one, though, and Tom continued the internet search once we got home!

Back at the campground, the days are getting warmer and we’re waiting for the pool to be opened!!  Tonight we finally got a closer look at the new horses across the street,

Mom and Baby

Young Foal










until Casey started barking and scared them all away, that is!


We walked back towards the campground and saw this little guy on the road . . . not sure what kind of snake it was, but he didn’t appear threatened by us.


Another beautiful evening in Colorado!



  1. Looks like you got spammed. Eventually you'll have to shut down anonymous comments. We did!

    Kathy finally realized our matress was shot the week you came to visit. We did go with a foam mattress and totally love it. It wasn't hard to get in and easy to handle. We have read of some people havimg mildew issues with them and adding something for boats under them to fix the problem.

    Even though we've been near the area you are in we have already added the Four Corners on our bucket list for when we return to the region. Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.

    1. I've been avoiding shutting downt the anonymous comments because that's how my family comments, but I know many bloggers have done it . . . for now I just go though and get rid of them when they appear, and I have moderation turned back on for older posts.

      We did finally decide on a memory foam mattress, and Tom ordered one online after an exhaustive search -- from Michigan, of all places!

      Four Corners is cool, and even though we weren't thrilled with paying $12 to see it, it's something you just have to do once!


Thanks for reading! We'd love to hear your comments!